The holidays are supposed to be a time of happiness and carelessness. It is a time for families and friends to come together, and celebrate. Is there any room for stress, sadness, or depression? In reality, the holidays are a period of time where many people can become overwhelmed by a number of things associated with the season. The obligatory feelings of having to buy a gift for everyone one knows, or construct a feast for one’s entire family can drive anyone to madness. Financials associated with the season can put anyone is into serious debt, and can bring about long-term problems for a short holiday. Families can spend hundreds of dollars if shopping is done inefficiently. This issue alone can be the biggest stressor imaginable. Another stressor during the holiday season are the feelings that can appear if time is spent away from family or friends for an extended period. Since Thanksgiving, or Christmas, are a time to reunite, many are not able to. This can lead to serious problems emotionally. If one is far away from family or friends at school, or a business trip and witnesses other people spending time with family, it can make a person feel even more lonely than usual. This can have dire effects on someone if not treated. Finally, an issue that most people face during the holiday period is other peoples stress. A person can be perfectly fine but may experience other people’s meltdowns in public. Increases in anger, impatience, and selfish desire, especially when it comes to shopping, are commonplace during the holidays. Burglary, confrontation, and many other unnecessary problems can arise with surrounding residents.

            There are numerous problems that arise during the holidays. People get so caught up with spending and giving that they may not find time to a find solutions to their ills. It was mentioned earlier that an increase in spending can be a stressor during holidays. Fortunately, there is a solution. Early shopping throughout the entire year can alleviate the blow given by the purchases of gifts. Buying gifts when they are on sale, or planning much before the event, can take a lot of the burden off of an individual. Other common traditions such as Secret Santa or White Elephant can solve this issue. Being away from home can take a toll on someone emotionally, so some solutions that family members can use to help each other out are maybe calling relatives a bit more often during the season or more frequent visits. Picking up the phone or stopping by unexpectedly can show a relative that may be going through some hard times that they are not alone and have family that will be there for them as much as possible. This can require planning but can help a bunch. Lastly, dealing with others that have the holiday bug can be a bazaar experience but there is a solution. Being a bit more forgiving and generous to a fellow employee or any individual can really help their sanity during a rough time. Showing compassion when others are chewing each other’s heads off will make a situation a lot more enduring. Also, just lending an ear to someone overly stressed can make their day, and make the entire season tolerable. Although there are stresses that can occur during the holidays, many steps can be taken to make it jolly again.

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    Justin Martinez

    I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, and enjoy reviewing television shows and music on my free time.