Entertainment Media for Children has decided to host a movie night for neighbor children. We
would like to have children from the neighborhood come over, sit on the lawn and
watch a Christmas movie or cartoon and drink hot cocoa and eat gingerbread
cookies. My responsibility as Activity Coordinator is to select a Christmas
movie or cartoon that the children can sit and watch. I would like to choose a
Christmas movie or cartoon that is appropriate for all ages. Our organization,
Entertainment Media for Children, has decided to have movie night because it can
help take our minds off   holiday stress. I feel that this time of
the year we all tend to have some kind of holiday stress and we tend to forget
about what Christmas is really about. Christmas is a wonderful time of the
year, one that is celebrated the most around the world. Christmas is about
families, friends, presents, carolers, festivities, food, Christ, and many
more. And at times we need to be reminded of that, so by watching Christmas
movies or cartoons it will tend to remind us of all the good cheer and joy
Christmas can bring. Our goal is to remind us that the holidays do not have to
 be so blue.  

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    Jessica Miller

    My name is Jessica Miller. I am currently a Senior at Texas A&M University in Kingsville and majoring in Human Development and Family Studies. My career goal after graduation is to teach Pre-K or Kinder age children.