Children love to watch cartoons, but as a parent, it’s our job to monitor what is appropriate for our children to watch on television. I’m a mother of two little boys ages four-years old and ten-months old. I don’t mind my children watching cartoons, but I like to limit them to only educational cartoons. Right now, my two boys are like sponges, and they tend to absorb everything they see or hear, so by limiting them to only watching educational shows verses other cartoons show, I get great relief knowing that they are watching learning educational material.

As parents how do we go about finding the right television shows for our children? Well, you can see what other parents recommend or you can view our website “Entertainment Media for Children." Our mission is committed to providing informative sources of entertainment that promote education. Though research and partnerships with organizations within the community, we will gather relevant information that assists parents of the Kingsville area with age-appropriate entertainment for their children. Specifically, we will focus on television, music, and relating events within the campus and local community. By providing this service, parents can aid their children with material that engages positive morals and values such as
good character and citizenship.

As a parent there are several cartoon shows that I would recommend your children to watch. Shows that promote learning in language arts that I recommend are Super Why  and Word World. Super Why helps children ages three through six-years old learn the alphabet, learn reading skills, and learn to spell, and learn rhyming through singing, dancing, and word building.
Word World is a cartoon where animals interact with each other to build words. The words turn into the shape it represents. For
example, if the word is house, then the letters from the word house form the shape of a house.

Another cartoon TV show I would recommend as a parent that promotes learning in math is Team Umizoomi. Team Umizoomi is an animated cartoon that helps preschool aged children learn math. This cartoon focuses on learning and solving mathematical concepts by using patterns, shapes, and counting. Dora the Explorer is another great educational cartoon that teaches children Spanish. This cartoon gets its viewers involved during the show by getting them to repeat words or phrases in Spanish. I love for my son to watch this cartoon show because it teaches him multiculturalism. My son has learned how to say at least ten words in Spanish from watching this cartoon.

Yo Gabba Gabba is another cartoon I love for my son to watch. The reason why I recommend this cartoon is not because
it’s an educational cartoon, but because it teaches children manners.There is one episode that teaches children to use their manners by saying please, thank you, and how to greet different people by saying hello and goodbye. I feel that
learning manners is just as important as learning educational material.

All these cartoons that I have recommended can be seen on Nick Jr. or on DVD’s. My four-year old son and I have mommy and son time every Saturday morning. We sit and eat our pancakes, and after breakfast, we sit on the couch for two hours and watch all these educational cartoons together. I love that I can have alone time with my son , and at the same time make it an educational moment as well. My son has learned so much from watching these cartoons. He has learned how to count to one hundred in English and up to twenty in Spanish. He has learned his shapes, colors and has learned how to recognize and spell ten words and he is only four-years old. So if you have any children and want them to learn while watching television, I highly
recommend these cartoons.

10/24/2012 03:07:03 am

Hello, my name is Rebecca Hurt and I am a senior at TAMUK. I am also the researcher for STFRA website. I really like your blog and I was very pleased to see you wrote about educational shows for children. So many kids today watch things that lead to wrong behavior and i think it is great that you wrote about the good things that are on TV!

10/24/2012 03:47:09 am

Hi my name is Stephanie Rivera and I am the Public Relations for Sports and Recreation. I enjoyed reading your blog, I have many little cousins back home and they watch a lot of these shows. It's a relief to see that others think these are good as well for there minds. I know there are shows on cartoon network or other shows kids come across that is not for them. So i agree it is good to keep a close eye on what kids watch. Great blog!

Alexandra Sherman
10/29/2012 12:23:03 am

My name is Alexandra Sherman and I am in the Sports and Recreational Activities group in the 9:00am class. What drew me to your blog was my interest in which cartoon shows are educational. I really liked your topic because I believe that a lot of people could look past the fact that the shows their children watch are not educational. I was very surprised to see or not to see that some of the shows I remember from childhood were not on your blog. The shows I am referring to are Sesame Street and Barney. Overall your blog was very good, easy to read, and very enjoyable.


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    Jessica Miller

    My name is Jessica Miller. I am currently a Senior at Texas A&M University in Kingsville and majoring in Human Development and Family Studies. My career goal after graduation is to teach Pre-K or Kinder age children.