The Holiday Blues

Most people think of the holidays as being the most cheerful times of the year, but that may not be the case for some people. Some people may be going through a personal rough time, dealing with the loss of a loved one, be lonely, or just not the holiday spirit type of person. Personally, this year has been a tough holiday season for me.

When I think of the holidays, the first thing that comes to my mind is stress. I automatically feel the stress of making time. I am a full time student, have a part time job, and my four year old, Allison. Since my schedule is pretty crazy, especially during the holidays, I find it very difficult to find time to excel at work, school, prepare, and of course shop for gifts.

The next subject that comes to mind when I think of the holidays is being with loved ones. I have recently parted ways with some family and it is difficult to realize that we may not be together this time around. In addition, my significant other is in the military and will be spending all the holidays in Afghanistan. This is the first year that I would be spending my holidays alone with my daughter Allison.  

The final thing that comes to mind when I think about the holidays is money. It is hard for me, and I’m sure for many others, to manage the spending of money during the holidays. Gifts need to be bought, outfits for gatherings, food, decorations and the list goes on. Wouldn’t it be great if the bills took a break for the holidays?

My Solution for the Holiday Blues

I cannot change the fact that I have a lot on my plate, but I could try and deal with the stress. Some ways I will keep the stress at a minimum is by exercising, going for a run, and spending as much time with my daughter as possible. Exercise makes me feel good about myself and helps me relive some stress. There is something about a good run that helps me think and straighten out my mind. After I am done with a good run, my mind is always at ease. The biggest stress reliever of all is my daughter. It does not matter how bad my day has gone, she reminds me of why I work so hard and makes it all worthwhile. Just seeing Allison’s smile reminds me of how beautiful life is.

Although some family members may not see eye to eye, I believe we should put it behind us and appreciate each other for who we are. This holiday season I will encourage myself to forgive, forget the bad and remember the good times we share. I defiantly will make the best of the family that I do have, because we are only here for a little while. As for my boyfriend, we will keep in touch through Skype. Not only is it difficult for me, but it is even more difficult for him to spend the holidays alone, without any family. I have created him a care package with pictures, goodies, and a gift to make him feel a little closer to home during this rough time.

As for my financial difficulties, I will start making a budget that I will follow and set aside money for gifts little by little. I usually wait to the last minute to pay my bills. This holiday season I plan on paying the bills ahead of time so they don’t all pile up at the same time. Since the bills will be paid I could also create a budget for my Christmas shopping. Money is not everything and as long as family is together, then that’s a gift all in its own.

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    Cristina Gonzalez

    "To be in you children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today"